About / Contact

Since its inception in 1994, the CSRA (Canadian Snowcross Racing Association) has been a governing body that organizes, promotes, and regulates snowmobile competitions in Canada, primarily within the provinces of Ontario and Quebec.
The CSRA was created to help sponsors, manufacturers, and racers benefit from the rapidly expanding sport of professional snowmobile racing. The mission of the CSRA is to bring the sport of snowmobile racing to its highest level. The CSRA strives to bring sponsors, racers, manufacturers, and racing fans the most organized, visible circuit in the industry.
Snowcross is today’s most popular form of snowmobile racing. With its high-flying aerial displays and compact track design, competitors race around tracks that feature tight turns, banked corners, and a variety of jumps allowing racers to catch “big air” in full view of spectators.
Spanning (10-12) events from October thru to April, the CSRA travels to key Powersports markets with its travelling race circuit. The series attracts hundreds of racers and thousands of spectators at each event. Sponsors of the CSRA benefit from a captive audience of race fans totalling over 50,000 for the season.
CSRA race fans are a mix of young families whose head of household is between the age of 30 -50 years and single males between the ages of 18-54 years old. Occupations of the head of the household are evenly split between white and blue collar professionals with household incomes in excess of $85,000 per annum.
Amongst all snowmobile’s, CSRA racers, spectators and recreational snowmobile users, the common thread that links them together is their love of the great outdoors, the apparel that they wear, and the vehicles they choose to ride and transport their equipment with.


Canadian Snowcross
Racing Association

Email: info@snowcross.com
Phone: 437-961-9671